Our Services
Work Area

Our ELISA kit provides a reliable and efficient solution for detecting and quantifying specific biomolecules such as proteins, antibodies, and hormones.

Our analytical testing services provide precise, reliable, and comprehensive solutions for a wide range of industries including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology

Our comprehensive training services are designed to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge required to excel in various scientific and analytical disciplines

Our Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) services offer advanced genomic solutions tailored for diverse applications

Our primer synthesis services offer high-quality, custom-designed oligonucleotides to meet your specific research and diagnostic needs.

Our protein and peptide synthesis services provide high-quality, custom-designed products to support your research, diagnostic, and therapeutic needs.

Our custom antibody services provide high-quality, custom-designed antibodies to meet your specific research, diagnostic, and therapeutic needs.

Our gene synthesis and cloning services offer custom-designed DNA constructs to meet your specific research, industrial, and therapeutic needs.

Partnering with Prestige

(Innovating Together with Our Valued Customers)

Academic Programmes

PROGENBIOLAB TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD provides world class Research, Analytical and Training services to food manufacturers, food processors, food importers-exporters, food safety professionals, students, scholars and faculty members.

Training on Food and water analysis

The training programme is designed to provide the most comprehensive range of on the job training especially in handling sophisticated instruments for trace and ultra trace analysis. The training program will also provide both technical knowledge and practical skills essential to professionals in Food and Water Analysis.

Training on Microbial analysis

The training programme is designed to provide the most comprehensive range on bacteriological analysis of food and water using various techniques. The training program will also provide both technical knowledge and practical skills essential to professionals in microbiology.

Training on Pesticide residue analysis

The training programme is designed to provide the most comprehensive range of on the job training especially in handling sophisticated instruments for trace and ultra trace analysis. The training program will also provide both technical knowledge and practical skills essential to professionals in residue analysis.

Training on Air quality and Soil analysis

The training programme also provides the most comprehensive study on Air quality analysis. Both outdoor as well as indoor. The same procedure is followed for soil study be it micronutrient or macronutrient analysis.
All The Product You Expect
From ProgenbioLab
ProgenbioLab: Products
to target Lab
  • PPE Testing Kit
  • Food and Feed Testing
  • BioPharma Services
  • Agroscience Services
  • Agro Testing
  • Consumer Product Testing
  • Environment Testing
  • Clinical Diagnostics
  • Forensic Services
  • Technologies
  • Genomic Services
  • Cosmetics & Personal Care
  • Materials & Engineering Sciences
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